
As women of faith, we seek God’s word to address life, especially when we’re hurt and confused. Here are inspiring stories from women who’ve seen God’s promises in the Bible revealed in their own lives. #gritandgracelife

How to Find Strength in the Midst of Disappointment

How to Find Strength in the Midst of Disappointment

Life is not a straight line. There are side roads, changes, and interruptions that you neither foresee nor anticipate. You may face a job loss, failed relationship, health crisis, or even a virus that strikes and changes everything. When these things happen, we are not just taken out of our comfort zone, but plunged into an unknown, without a plan or direction. I want to say that I always react well; my response is steady, and my faith is strong. But that would be a lie. Sometimes I rise to the occasion, but other times, my humanity is glaringly present. In the seasons when I am disappointed in myself, I wonder if I am disappointing God. Perhaps he is as disheartened in […]

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Rough Air and Empty Stadiums

Rough Air and Empty Stadiums

I am a baseball wife, and I am a flight attendant. It’s the perfect combination. While my husband travels for away games, I fly all over the world, and we both reunite three days later. When my husband plays overseas in the winter, I hop on a flight courtesy of my flight benefits to go cheer him on. If we need extra income because my husband is a minor leaguer, I work extra hours. If I need time off because my husband is home for once, I swap my schedule and get the days off I need. My husband will tell you that being a baseball player is a dream come true for him. For me, being a flight attendant is a

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This is What Jesus Says About Equality for Women

Jesus Gave Up All Comfort So That He Could Comfort You

Have you ever felt abandoned by God in your pain? You seek His face, but it cannot be found. You turn the pages of your Bible, searching and searching, turning every stone for a word of hope. You pray. You cry. You plead… Father? Are you there? Are you real? Can you hear me? Do you see me? Do you care? Where are you? I need you. I’m hurting. Help! I feel like a fool for trusting you, and yet… I have nowhere else to go. If you don’t show up, I have nowhere else to turn. No one left to call. I wonder how many people are this place right now. All the Bad News… Enduring crisis. Grieving a loss. Weary

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Family Devotions Can Hurt

When Family Devotions Can Actually Hurt

“Somebody please hit me!” These are the words I thought while witnessing my four-year-old daughter sling The Jesus Story Book Bible across the room. Ballet lessons… Really? I’m thinking more like a quarterback on the football field at this point. The heavy book was destined to hit one of the three sitting ducks on the couch, and sure enough, it soon found its target: directly in the face of my six-year-old son. Ouch! Insert screaming, yelling, fury, and a near riot… Exhausted from a long day, I would normally continue to plow through the Bible story. But on this particular night, my husband—being the gentle “shepherd” that he is—tucked our convulsing son into his arms and made sure that his head was not

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This Grit and Grace Life Podcast

How to Handle Real-Life Struggles That Challenge Your Faith – 112

Subscribe: Apple Podcasts | Spotify | Amazon Music | Android | TuneIn | RSS | More  Having faith does not mean we have an easy life. The bible is not a vaccination against real-life struggles. No matter how strong our faith might be, we are not immune to life’s hurts and heartaches. In this episode of This Grit and Grace Life, hosts Darlene and Julie speak to the women who may be discouraged in their singleness, dealing with a prodigal child or are facing some other struggle that is causing them to be frustrated with their faith. They speak the hard truths that many of us women desperately need to hear.  The two discuss how we often believe our faith should make our

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Life Will Have Pain: It Needs This Perspective

“A people without the knowledge of their past history, origin and culture is like a tree without roots.” – Marcus Garvey “When life is good and we have no problems, we can almost let ourselves believe we have no need for God. But in my experience, sometimes the richest blessings come through pain and hard things.” – Anne Graham Lotz There’s a high ideal in humanity that we should find purpose in our pain. It’s instinctual to ask why bad things happen to good people and difficult to understand why an all-loving God doesn’t come in and save us and others from horrible life circumstances. Maybe you’re struggling with a fresh wound, a broken heart, or a loss that you can’t make

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This Grit and Grace Life Podcast

Grit and Grace, but What About God? – 105

Subscribe: Apple Podcasts | Spotify | Amazon Music | Android | TuneIn | RSS | More  We believe grit and grace are vital traits of a woman’s nature—but some ask if we believe they can exist without faith. Or does our faith create the grit and grace within us? Are we strong women because of our faith, or is that strength already there? We say yes and no, or perhaps another way to say it is that we believe it can be both/and. In this episode, Darlene Brock and Julie Graham tackle that conversation, discussing how grit, grace, strength, and faith exist together and how these are the foundation of a strong woman’s life. Then, they share how we can bring God

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This Is What Happens When You Embrace Quiet Spaces

This Is What Happens When You Embrace Quiet Spaces

A momma deer and her delicate fawn pay us a visit. We watch them stroll across our back lawn, munching clover on their way to the safety of the forest. Our voices stay hushed because words travel easily through the open windows and morning air. If she hears us, she’ll run. There is no misunderstanding; quiet spaces are safe places. Instinctively she knows it—instinctively, I do too. There is something holy in our respect of this quiet, of our yielding to this peaceful moment of two beautiful creatures grazing on our lawn. It’s an acknowledgment that life thrives in stillness, that God’s presence is felt when we are quiet, allowing balance to take over where turmoil dwelt. Our stillness holds space, like

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Bible Verses From The Grit and Grace Team on Anxiety

Bible Verses on Anxiety from The Grit and Grace Team

We all face anxiety, some more than others. It’s part of being human. So, what do you do when fear strikes? When a thought of the unknown future taunts even the most confident fiber of your being? The ladies at The Grit and Grace Project share some of their own worries and anxieties and the Bible verses that bring them peace. Take heart, friends, and may you be comforted to know that He’s always there. Here are some verses for comfort: Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own. Matthew 6:34 We are human, but we don’t wage war as humans do. We use God’s mighty weapons, not worldly weapons,

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This Grit and Grace Life Podcast

Are You the Proverbs 31 Woman? Should You Be? – 092

Subscribe: Apple Podcasts | Spotify | Amazon Music | Android | TuneIn | RSS | More A catchphrase often used among the Christian community “a Proverbs 31 woman” is thrown about with underlying expectations. It can bring with it inspiration, but also pride, fear, and even insecurity. This passage is referenced when discussing “how we should live” as women of faith and even the way it begins, the “wife of noble character” can be intimidating. Can you be like her? Should you even try? Co-hosts Darlene Brock and Julie Graham (both Christian women who have been in church for decades) candidly share how they feel about this woman they’ve been taught to look up to (and emulate). They consider how grit and

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This Grit and Grace Life Podcast

7 Lessons From Easter That Matter Every Day – 086

Subscribe: Apple Podcasts | Spotify | Amazon Music | Android | TuneIn | RSS | More Who doesn’t love Easter—another opportunity to eat candy, decorate our home, create new family memories, and, of course, the dress. But at the core of this holiday lies the pinnacle of our Christian faith, so we wanted to take this opportunity to address what it is that we hold so dear. Since we couldn’t just do it the obvious way, Darlene and Julie spend this episode unpacking seven lessons discovered when looking at Jesus’ life—focusing in on the time before His death and resurrection. These lessons aren’t applicable for today only but every day as we live our #gritandgracelife. Listen in, and share this one with

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There’s No One Right Way to Feed Your Faith

There’s No One Right Way to Feed Your Faith

Spring is in the air, at least that’s what the retailers have told us with their chocolate bunnies and pastel-colored egg displays. The sun is shining, and while it is still a bit chilly, that crisp air is so refreshing. On these beautiful days, I love to open windows and welcome the breeze in to get rid of the stale winter air and breathe new life into my home. I get out my lemon candles and diffuse an uplifting blend of essential oils. My favorite thing to do in the spring is to fill my bird feeders, take a cup of coffee, and stroll through my flower beds and garden. Oh, how it feeds my heart to walk around and take in

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How to Have Your Own Coffee + Bible Time

How to Have Your Own Coffee + Bible Time

If you follow me on social media (you should, by the way), you likely see me post on Facebook most mornings (not every day—no perfection here!) that I’m enjoying “C&B” or “Coffee + Bible.” I’ve had people ask me often how I do this—what I read, and where should they begin? I love this question, and I’ll start with the biggest secret: there’s no right answer. The important thing is just to begin building a habit. If you’re new to reading the Bible, start in the New Testament. There are a couple books in the New Testament that are especially fit for beginners. The book of John or even the book of Romans are good starting places. Brew yourself a cup of

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How to Make Journaling Your Sacred Space

How to Make Journaling Your Sacred Space

Have you ever been curious about starting a journal? And if you have, have you wondered exactly what a journal is and what purpose it can serve in your busy life? A journal has been described as a record of one’s thoughts, beliefs, desires, experiences, and observations, and what they mean to that individual. In and of itself, writing those things down can be both therapeutic and enlightening. If that isn’t quite the encouragement you need, what if I told you that journaling could also be a way to experience God? I know that got your attention. If you are a Christian, you have a built-in longing for that, whether you know it or not. Sometimes, when we don’t recognize that longing,

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Building Faith Growing in Your Relationship with God New

Building Faith: Growing in Your Relationship with God

You have begun this journey, one of faith in Christ … a relationship that will not only last a lifetime but through all of eternity. Is that the end of the story? Do you just settle in—contentedly relaxing in the knowledge that your eternal destiny is secure? Or is there more? Well of course there is more, a lot more! Every relationship you have ever begun has potential, but it needs a personal investment to experience its genuine richness and depth. This is equally true of your relationship with your Heavenly Father—you need to work on building faith in Him. The reality that He desires, as well as offers, a rich and rewarding relationship with you is nearly beyond comprehension. The first

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Battered Faith: Holding On to Hope Even When You Struggle

I was 13 years old when I was diagnosed with a muscular disease called Myasthenia Gravis. I had a year of repeated testing before the final diagnosis was made. Yet even with the naming of my illness, I was fortunate. The level of disability that came with my current symptoms was minor: limitations of physical exertion, muscle weakness, and frequent fatigue. I was a young teen and rather headstrong (little has changed in that regard), so I took the medication prescribed and determined to live my life to the fullest … rebellion and all. Seasons of Battered Faith Several years later, I was working a full-time job that I loved, living the single life in an apartment located in the art district,

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How to Read Your Bible: For Beginners

On the day that America celebrates freedom, I was handcuffed with the diagnosis of Alopecia Areata (a stress-induced autoimmune disorder that causes hair loss). You’d think that finding two bald spots the size of baseballs on my scalp would be troubling enough, but it was actually the list of “mights” streaming from the doctor’s mouth that created my ocean of fear: “You might only have these two spots and nothing more. You might develop more spots. You might lose all of your hair… and your eyebrows, eyelashes, and all of your body hair. This might be for a season of life; it might be forever—or it might come and go throughout your life. Really the only predictable thing about Alopecia is that

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