
Depression doesn’t have just one face or one reason. It’s as personal and varied as we are as humans. These articles are designed to encourage you and give you practical tips to help you thrive despite depression.

If Words Are Powerful, How Should You Speak to Yourself

If Words Are Powerful, How Should You Speak to Yourself?

Do you know who you spend the most time with? Who you talk to the most? Whose voice you hear the most? I encourage you to park here for just a moment and really think about these questions. If I answer quickly, I would say my husband, children, a few friends, or maybe my coworkers. If I thought about it for just a hot minute, I might say I hear my mom’s voice in my head the most. In all reality though, the answer is me. I spend the most time with and have the most conversations with myself. You might be nodding your head or furrowing your brow in a confused question like “what…?” Seriously though, you drive to the grocery […]

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This Grit and Grace Life Podcast

Battling Depression? Find the Gift in the Darkness With Melissa Maimone – 133

Subscribe: Apple Podcasts | Spotify | Amazon Music | Android | TuneIn | RSS | More Can you find light in the darkness of depression? The surprising answer is “yes,” as gained from the personal experience of Melissa Maimone, author of The Radiant Midnight: Depression, Grace, and the Gifts of a Dark Place. She joins co-hosts Darlene Brock and Julie Graham to share what she learned from the many years she spent battling cycles of depression. There are gifts within slowness, solitude, and even sadness. She relates to those who have felt shame over this misunderstood hopelessness, especially as a Christian. She also offers helpful insight on how to love someone who faces this darkness. As all of us are feeling a

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Cherie Shaw

Our Grit and Grace Life… Battling Anxiety? (Video)

Many of us struggle with anxiety and wonder if we are failing as women of faith because we do? In a recent article Can Faith Bring Hope to Everything, Even Anxiety, writer Cherie Shaw gave such great insights into that battle. She also took a few moments to share in Our Grit and Grace Life video series, a bit of her personal struggle and offer steps she found to overcome; providing hope where there may be none. You may be looking for more help and would like to purchase a copy of the book, Save Yourself from Burnout, mentioned by Cherie click here.

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Ask Dr. Zoe – How Do I Recover From a Life Full of Battles?

‘Alisandra’ Asked: How do you recover from divorce, breast cancer, loss of a job, and not seeing your child every day? Dr. Zoe Answered: My immediate visual after reading your experience is a warrior woman, still standing in the midst of the haze of battle. You may not visualize yourself in this way, but you are still standing—and you’ve been through a battle! I don’t know all of the circumstances. I’m not sure if you have an adult child or a minor. But loss is loss and the best way to recover from it is to walk through it. When a lot of bad things happen to you, you can get hyper-focused on yourself—and you need to! But it can also lead

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Ask Dr. Zoe – How Do I Handle Crushing Grief?

‘Deb’ Asked: As I listened to Julie Graham’s story, I look back at how I prayed for her as she walked through Paul’s death. Little did I know that a week later, I would be walking through my own shock and grief when my 36-year-old daughter died suddenly. Then less than 2 months later, in December 2017, my mom died suddenly and 2 weeks later, my husband had a massive stroke which has left him with left-side paralysis. As I listened to Julie’s podcast, it brought me right back there. I have never spoken to anyone about the intense grief that sometimes just overwhelms me. Dr. Zoe Answered: Your story breaks my heart, but the last sentence concerned me more than all

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Ask Dr. Zoe – What Is Normal Anxiety & When Should I Seek Help?

‘Potential Worry-Wart’ Asked: What is “normal” anxiety, and what crosses over into clinical? In my mid-20s, I experienced panic attacks and a couple years of moderate to severe anxiety and depression. Before then, I did not experience any of those things and believe I had “normal” mental health. There were life circumstances that went into play with the panic, anxiety, and depression, and I did go on medication during that season. I am now off of medication, but still in counseling and group therapy. I feel as though I am well-balanced again. However, there are times when I do feel stress, worry, and just down and out. I know that everyone experiences those feelings at times, and being aware of them helps

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Ask Dr. Zoe – Is Lack of Emotion Healthy?

‘Curious’ Asked: I grew up as a missionary kid and was abused by my missionary father. Emotional, spiritual, physical. Every girl friend of mine had been sexually or physically abused. I’ve heard it all. Seen it all. I was depressed for years. I dealt with my pain. I’ve healed and forgiven. Now I’m married with 2 young kids and run a youth ministry and dance ministry. I still hear and see it all. My question is… I don’t have big emotions anymore. I don’t cry when I hear someone’s awful story. I feel for them and want to help but I can’t cry. Or feel surprised. I kind of feel numb. I’m not sure if this is just normal or if something

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If Suicide Has Touched Your Life, This Is for You

If Suicide Has Touched Your Life, This Is for You

Few things tear more deeply at the heart than the loss of someone to suicide. When the call comes, and the reality hits, it feels as if futility has thrust its way into your life. Control has been lost, hope shattered, and you are left bereft missing someone you love. Instantly the questions begin. How could he/she? What was so bad that there was no other choice? What could I have done? The “if only’s” run rampant in your heart and mind. Several of the writers at The Grit and Grace Project have walked this life reality. Through their writings, they have shared their stories, revealed their hearts, and offered a glimpse into the world that suicide ushers. The stories told and

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This Grit and Grace Life Podcast

What Are the Unexpected Gifts of Depression? With Melissa Maimone – 095

Subscribe: Apple Podcasts | Spotify | Amazon Music | Android | TuneIn | RSS | MoreCan depression be a gift? Is there something to be gained from those dark and hard places in life? If you or someone you love live with this battle, you’ve probably also felt the shame that seems to accompany the intense pain and feelings of hopelessness. The current estimates state that 15% of adults will experience this growing challenge—depression—at some point in their lives. With this in mind, co-hosts Darlene Brock and Julie Graham interview Melissa Maimone, author of The Radiant Midnight: Depression, Grace and the Gifts of a Dark Place. Her transparency is refreshing as she shares her struggle, even admitting that for her, depression has

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Who Else Wants to Make the Most of Summer

Who Else Wants to Make the Most of Summer?

If you have read my bio, you know that I work in a public school. I always go into the summer with hopes of accomplishing so many things, and I go back to school in August realizing that while I enjoyed my time away, I don’t really feel accomplished, which takes a little something away from my feeling rested and ready to go back to school. Without some kind of routine or plan, I find myself being indecisive about what to do with my time, and, frankly, I waste a lot of it. Don’t get me wrong, we all need a day to lie around and read a good book, pausing only for a refreshment and maybe a little nap, but if

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Hope for the Woman Struggling With Chronic Pain

Hope for the Woman Struggling With Chronic Pain

For the past 10 years, I have suffered from a painful autoimmune disease. It causes inflammation and pain in my joints and has often been the cause of distress within my spirit. Though I’m well acquainted with physical pain, I am no stranger to various types of heartache due to many trials I’ve endured. The first one that I remember was losing my best friend at the age of 16. She had a seizure in the middle of the night and was found unconscious the next morning. Just two years later, my dad took his own life shortly after the passing of my grandmother, for whom he was the primary caregiver. In the midst of all of this, my mom and stepdad

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Ask Dr. Zoe – Is it Possible to Be Overly Emotional?

‘Emotionally Charged’ Asked: Is there such thing as being overly emotional? I hear this all the time by family members. I cry when I’m happy, anxious, scared, angry. I don’t have any explanation for why this is the emotion I am most prone to. Can you explain this? Dr. Zoe Answered: Emotionally Charged, We are all born with a temperament that is essentially built into our DNA. Our temperament interacts with our environment to solidify a personality over the first 3-4 years of our life. Some people do seem a little more sensitive than others, and this is sometimes just a temperament thing. I would be less worried about what others say and more concerned about what you feel. Do you feel

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When Winter Gets You Down and You Need the Sunshine

When Winter Gets You Down and You Need the Sunshine

For those who don’t live in a dark and dreary place most of the year, you won’t be able to relate to this article. If you do, I’ll expect an “Amen” when you’re done reading. I reside in the middle of nowhere, in the upper left corner of the lower 48. I truly love where I live, most of the year. We’re located in a breathtakingly beautiful land, where you can be in the mountains and 30 minutes later be at the beach. Opportunities to get outside and just enjoy creation are endless. There are great places to hike with amazing views that are ever changing, as well as, lakes, rivers, and the Pacific Ocean to enjoy, bike paths and parks and

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To the Mom Who Has Postpartum Depression

When I was young, I had this grand picture of what my life would be as an adult. This vision included a thin, fit woman wearing a professional suit to work on a daily basis, owning every room she walked into. She was happy, confident, powerful, financially comfortable, a great wife and an awesome mom who balanced everything happily and gracefully. Her house was always clean, and laundry was done. Making love with her husband was a priority. She always cooked and had hot meals ready for her family. And her faith was untouchable.  She didn’t understand those other women who couldn’t balance. Why couldn’t they balance – life wasn’t that hard…right!? Then I got married, and real life started. I married

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Why We Can Look at the Dark Parts of Life With Hope

I have a beautiful tapestry of a cottage garden hanging on my kitchen wall. As I look at the tapestry from afar the picture is beautiful, but as I draw closer I begin to see the intricate details in the cottage garden. The stunning colours that are weaved throughout the flowers, the birds and the winding pathway captures my attention and pulls me in. Each individual thread is vital for the overall vision that the tapestry portrays. The various colours and threads are weaved into the tapestry with great care and precision because every thread is essential to the finished design. Our lives are like a tapestry in action being woven together by the Creator. Every thought, dream, heartbreak, desire, and tear

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the seesaw aftermath of losing my husband to suicide

The Seesaw Aftermath of Losing My Husband to Suicide

I have never been able to reconcile my seesawing beliefs about suicide. About the suicide of my first husband, Gary. He was handsome, fit, smart, playful, an adventurer. I loved him deeply and he deeply loved me. He cared about my heart and my dreams. He was a fun and tender and wise father to his children. A man who never took a sick day off work, jogged three miles a day, loved God, was a gifted storyteller, and made long-lasting friends every single place he went. A man whose death packed a church that seats 600 even though we were relatively new to our home across the country from where we grew up and lived for decades. A man who kept

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7 Tips For Battling Baby Blues

7 Tips For Battling Baby Blues

Baby Blues and Postpartum Depression (PPD) are very common after the birth of a beautiful new infant. You’d think this would be a magical time of snuggles, bottles, and miniature clothes–and it is–but it’s also a time of rapid life transition and physically demanding recovery. A combination of sleep deprivation, drastic hormonal changes, the pain and discomfort of healing from childbirth, and the demands of caring for a tiny little person can easily combine to create a perfect storm and leave you feeling absolutely miserable. As soon as you begin feeling overwhelmed, sad, anxious, or stressed, it’s important to address the issue right away so it doesn’t get worse or tarnish this special time with your precious little baby. 1. Tell Your Doctor.

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