Search Results for: 9 qualities that make a good friend

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Ask Dr. Zoe – When Is a Friendship Toxic?

‘Frazzled Florida Friend’ Asked: Friends come and go and we all know that, but, how do I know when it’s time for me to let a friend go? What are my signs that this may be a toxic friendship that I need to let go of? Should I just let us “grow apart” or have a conversation with her? Dr. Zoe Answered: At the same time, you asked me how to know if you need to let her go, you also asked me what is the best method to end the friendship, which tells me that you probably answered your own first question. A change needs to happen in your relationship and deep down, you know this. The hard part is determining […]

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Ask Dr. Zoe – How to Avoid Gossip Among Friends

‘Minny Mama’ Asked: I have two friends in my mom group that are bickering/gossiping about each other to another friend in our group. I don’t like to get involved in gossip or other women’s drama. However, I feel that these women will each say I am not being a loyal friend. What do I do? I thought that high school had ended. Thanks! Dr. Zoe Answered: And sometimes high school continues…We have all gossiped at some time in our lives. I know I have! Some people make whole careers of it. But I’m just going to say it: Gossiping is a sign of immaturity and it should be a habit that a woman of grit and grace matures out of. Time alone does

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10 Ways to Make the Most of Girls’ Night Out

10 Ways to Make the Most of Girls’ Night Out

It is cliché, but we are all busy. In our pursuits, passions, dreams, relationships, and all the craziness that comes with life, we are busier than we were a few years ago. But in the midst of the crazy, we crave our girlfriends. We all need time to kick back and be with our closest ladies to not only catch up but to have fun with each other. From trying something new to gathering around the table and enjoying real conversations to getting creative together, there are plenty of things we can do. Here are my top 10 ideas for your next girls’ night out: 1. Try a new restaurant. If you and your friends are like my circle, you can get

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How Self-Awareness Will Make You Successful

How Self-Awareness Will Make You Successful

“What do you want, Jen?” I thought it was a dumb question. I didn’t have time to think about what I wanted. I was leading a rapidly growing organization, overseeing a multi-million dollar building project, and writing my first book. There was no time to think about what I wanted. There was barely time to do everything I needed to do! My husband’s question triggered an avalanche of emotions that took me months of counseling to crawl out of. What emerged was a realization of how disconnected I had become from myself. I was lacking self-awareness and it was impacting every area of my life. Emotional intelligence expert and psychologist, Daniel Goleman, defines self-awareness as, “having a deep understanding of one’s emotions,

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take it easy on your friends

Take It Easy—On Your Friends

Do you ever butt heads with some of your favorite people in the world? Those friends who hold a special place in your heart—who’ve cried with you when you cried, laughed alongside you at the craziness of life, and even chided you when you needed that extra kick… Let’s talk about keeping a great friendship alive. It doesn’t take a lot, even though sometimes it may seem like it does. Here are 5 things to remember for every friendship you want to hold onto: 1. You’re not a perfect friend. When you feel like you’ve been let down or disappointed by someone who you thought would never fail you, remember that friendship is a relationship between two imperfect people—and you are one of them. You

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When Life Gives You Lemons, Reach Out to Your Friends

When Life Gives You Lemons, Reach Out to Your Friends

In this life, the terrain is continually changing; we will climb mountains, skip through lush fields of wildflowers, traverse into deep valleys, and try to navigate our way through dry desert sand. Each with its own beauty and hardship. As difficult as these paths can be at times, we need to make sure we aren’t trying to go it alone. We should take our own advice. You know, what you tell your kids when they head out the door on an adventure, “Don’t go anywhere alone. Remember to use the buddy system.” Now don’t get me wrong, sometimes we need a little time out, some solitude, to do a little self-reflection and see where we should be showing ourselves some grace. Most of

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This Grit and Grace Life Podcast

Great Friends: 9 Qualities to Be One and Find One – 031

Subscribe: Apple Podcasts | Spotify | Amazon Music | Android | TuneIn | RSS | MoreLooking for a friend, or even better, a really good one? We need people who will love us throughout the highs and lows of our lives, encouraging us when we’re strong, carrying us when we’re weak. What kind of friend do you want to be? What kind of qualities make a friendship meaningful and strong? Darlene and Julie, girlfriends who cross generational lines, talk about relationships they cherish and why, and practical ways you can be this kind of friend. Viewing in an app? Full show notes here. Once you’re done with this episode, you’ll want to go back and listen to Grit, Grace & Girlfriends: How to Make

Great Friends: 9 Qualities to Be One and Find One – 031 Read More »

What Makes a Sister the Best Kind of Friend

I love my sisters; we’re ridiculously close. In fact, they’re my best friends. However, I’m not naive enough to think that all sisters are best friends, so I do count myself fortunate (as are they). But if you too share a special bond with your sister, I think you’ll agree that this is what makes a sister the best kind of friend… You can always be yourself. Being best friends with your sister means you don’t have to worry about being judged. You don’t have to get yourself together when you’re with your sister. She’s happy to meet you exactly where you are. Her closet. What is it about a sister’s closet that makes it so much better than your own? I stand in

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For the Girl Who’s Forging New Friendships in a New City

How many of us have sheepishly walked into a social event as the “new girl,” our hearts beating out of our chest as we cling to our phones for some semblance of comfort and security? One of my good friends and I had a conversation recently around this topic of making new friends, and how difficult and oftentimes awkward it can be. When I moved from my hometown on the East coast three and a half years ago, and drove across the country to build a whole new life in California, I was struck with the reality that I literally knew no one here, and no one knew me. It was simultaneously exhilarating and terrifying. From moving coast to coast, to then

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Why You Want to Be a Bucket-Filler Kind of Friend

Why You Want to Be a Bucket-Filler Kind of Friend

I want to be a bucket-filling kind of friend. As women in today’s world, we are forced to wear many hats, endure many demands, be put upon, put out, worn out and hung out to dry. We have to be on the mark 24/7. We are married, single, single-again, businesswomen, retired, and starting over and over again. We are wife, mother, coach, lover, counselor, teacher, cook, hostess, driver, repair-woman, event planner … the list goes on and on. We are tired and barely have time for friendships. Ladies, make no mistake about it, we need healthy bucket-filling friendships. A wise friend recently reminded me that “Friendship is a relationship between two imperfect people.” So true; yet we expect our friends to meet

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