
Physical health, illness, overcoming health challenges, healthy lifestyle, and practices.

Ginger health benefits and starter recipes

Why You Need to Try Ginger, the Magic Spice

From nausea to indigestion, I have struggled with stomach issues for as long as I can remember. When I became pregnant, these symptoms seemed to heighten with morning sickness and a growing baby. That’s when I did a little research and learned about a magical food: the ginger root. Ginger root is most commonly found pickled and sliced, accompanying your sushi. That’s how I was first introduced to it, and I absolutely fell in love. However, I began to see its true benefits when I started adding it to the meals I prepare at home. Here are just a few of the amazing things ginger can do for you: 1. It curbs nausea and helps to eliminate indigestion. 2. It is rich in antioxidants and anti-inflammatories, which can also ease muscle aches and pains while […]

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5 Simple Ways to Improve Your Nutrition

5 Simple Ways to Improve Your Nutrition

If you want to eat healthier but you aren’t sure where to start, here are some suggestions for you! I’ve learned these on my own, from family members (especially my hubby), and from other healthy friends who have walked alongside me on my health journey. I hope these are helpful to you! 1. Get to the grocery store. This is where it all starts. Getting more groceries and ordering less take out is often the first step in getting and staying healthy. When you go to the grocery store, the best way to shop is for ingredients, not finished products. Processed foods (things that are pre-made, like freezer meals, boxed meals, etc.) have more preservatives and added ingredients that you don’t need, and aren’t

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Practical Tips for When Your Loved One is Terminally Ill

Practical Tips for When Your Loved One is Terminally Ill

When someone you love is very ill or dealing with a terminal illness it can be exhausting emotionally, mentally, physically, and spiritually. There is so much to deal with, and it looms larger than you. Every. Single. Day. Friends at a law firm gave us one of the most helpful and thoughtful gifts when my mother was in her final months of battling cancer. It is a gift that I would have never thought to put together, but it “saved the day” on many occasions when I was dealing with the business that came with caring for my mom. First, let me state that I am not an attorney. These are documents that we found helpful in the care plan for my mother who was living with terminal cancer

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God knows your life, your needs and the hair on your head

My False Eye and Clear Perspective on Life

I have a prosthetic eye. Now, here are answers to frequently asked questions about having a prosthetic eye: 1. Yes, I can take it out. No, it doesn’t bleed or hurt when I do. I only remove it for occasional cleanings. 2. No, I do not/will not take it out for people to see. 3. I have a custom eye created about every five years. In the simplest term, custom means having a mold created specifically for my eye socket and then hand painting the prosthesis to match my eye color. It’s really a fascinating process that takes several days. 4. No, I don’t have any weird custom eyes (cat or snake eyes, bloodshot eye, different color, etc.). It is always a

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Grit and Grace in Hot Pink Spandex

Grit and Grace in Hot Pink Spandex

A few weeks ago I had the privilege of speaking to a group of beginner runners on the topic of motivation. Why would I receive such an invitation? Well, because I’m about the world’s least likely and most enthusiastic runner. I’m all of 5-feet-2-inches high (on a tall day), I weigh in around one hundred and sexy (which happens to be 20ish pounds more than my doctor thinks is necessary), and I faked asthma to get out of gym class in middle school. Nevertheless, I’ve conquered numerous 5Ks, several half marathons, a full marathon, and a triathlon. One of the reasons I’m asked to help motivate beginners is because of my—ahem—non-athletic appearance; it instantly qualifies me to talk to people who doubt themselves. When

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The Best Way to Clean Fruits and Vegetables

There are many foreign organisms that live on food, some good and some bad. It is important to wash all your fruit and vegetables from the store when you get home. Think about how many people pick up produce and put it back. In their journeys from the farm to the store, a number of hands touch your food. Even if you get organic, there is still a chance of getting bugs, organisms, and pesticide run off on them. According to an article from, below is a list of the top 13 dirtiest and top 15 cleanest fruits and vegetables (from 2015). Dirtiest Fruits and Veggies: 1. Peaches 2. Nectarines 3. Strawberries 4. Grapes 5. Celery 6. Spinach 7. Sweet Bell Peppers 8. Cucumbers 9.

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Grace in the Desert

Grace in the Desert

I have wandered in the desert… And it wasn’t merely a stroll. It was a long, hearty trail. And it took a few years. My desert began when I was diagnosed with an autoimmune disorder, which was quickly followed by a break up with my high school sweetheart who I had dated for 5.5 years, and then topped-off by turmoil within my immediate family. There were times when I felt like I was living a nightmare… one from which I could not awaken. There were times I felt like I was drowning in my grief and tears. There were times when I simply wanted to give up. More than anything: I was needy, vulnerable and desperate in the desert. But Jesus Christ

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