
All things money; loans, taxes, budgeting, shopping, divorce, and more.

This Grit and Grace Life Podcast

Know Yourself, Know Your Money With Rachel Cruze – 153

Subscribe: Apple Podcasts | Spotify | Amazon Music | Android | TuneIn | RSS | More The fresh start of a new year often causes us to evaluate many areas of our lives, including personal finances. With that in mind, Darlene Brock and Julie Bender brought Rachel Cruze (two-time #1 national best-selling author and financial expert) to the show to share a whole new framework we can use! She’s taking us all the way back to our childhood to consider how we were taught about money and what that says about how we use it. You’ll love how Rachel’s concepts will improve your relationships, your confidence, and your ability to know yourself and your money! We’re confident this episode will pay you […]

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How to get aware from the comparison trap

Everyone Seems to Have It All but I Refused to Let Jealousy Steal My Joy

The other day I saw a meme that said, “Your ice cream is melting because you’re too busy counting someone else’s sprinkles.” It was completely random, but it has stuck with me. 2020 has been rough—super rough. We’ve lost people to a virus we can’t seem to get under control, our economy is confused, our society is super divided about everything, and we’re scared. It is so easy to fall into the trap of “if only I had _______” to make myself feel better. If only I could have it all, I’d be happy. If only I had a million dollars. If only I had subway tile instead of the cheap ugly tile that came with the house. If only I could

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This Grit and Grace Life Podcast

Growing Family Wealth Takes More Than Money With Deb Meyer – 143

Subscribe: Apple Podcasts | Spotify | Amazon Music | Android | TuneIn | RSS | MoreYou’ve probably thought about investing in your family’s future. Perhaps you’ve already created plans and budgets, but you may not have considered what your family’s real priorities should be. This episode’s guest, Deborah Meyer, CPA/PFS, CFP®, and Amazon bestselling author of Redefining Family Wealth, brings a fresh look at creating a plan unique to your family. She tells Darlene and Julie that building real wealth is about so much more than money. If the word “budget” makes you break into a cold sweat and a five-year plan (in any area of your life) feels overwhelming, this episode is for you. You’ll discover the intersection of money/finance and your family’s dreams, which

Growing Family Wealth Takes More Than Money With Deb Meyer – 143 Read More »

14 Things When Buying a Home

14 Things Every Woman Needs to Know Before Buying a House

Don’t we all love the idea of owning our own homes and drooling about the outlandish decor ideas we are going to execute? However, in order to make the right decisions, we need to have the right information – or at least know where to find the right information. So, the following tips have been put together to set you off on the right footing. Here are some things every woman needs to do before buying a house. 1. Know your credit score It’s one of the biggest factors that will determine what the terms of your loan will look like. So, be sure you know your credit score even before deciding to pursue any kind of housing loan. If your credit

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This Grit and Grace Life Podcast

Why Strong Women Can (and Should) Rebuild Their Lives with Molly Stillman – 125

Subscribe: Apple Podcasts | Spotify | Amazon Music | Android | TuneIn | RSS | More Women are so resilient. Even when we face challenges that could potentially take us out entirely, as is the case of our guest Molly Stillman, we tap into our deepest grit. With countless roles and seasons, we are continually reinventing and re-shifting. We give ourselves and others the necessary grace needed to gain strength and wisdom on the other side. Molly faced the death of her mother as a teen, found herself drowning in debilitating debt post-college, was a comedienne, weathered a toxic dating relationship, and then after marrying the true love of her life (and having two healthy kids) experienced the heartbreak of back-to-back pregnancy

Why Strong Women Can (and Should) Rebuild Their Lives with Molly Stillman – 125 Read More »

3 Ways You Can Save Money on a Prom Dress

3 Ways You Can Save Money on a Prom Dress

My senior prom dress was a floor-length, beaded, navy blue nightmare. Yes, you read that right. It was a nightmare for a lot of reasons. First of all, it was sexy. Which, I guess for some, is not a nightmare but looking back I see it now for what it was—way too sexy for a high school senior. A floor-length, navy blue, beaded number (we’ll get to those dreaded beads in a second); it was something you’d see on a Miss America contestant. It was tight; I’m talking skin-tight—so much so that it was hard to breathe and impossible to enjoy the only mildly appetizing prom food. The slit up to my mid-thigh was definitely not age-appropriate. Second, the beads…oh, the beads!

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I Gave up Amazon and This Is What Happened

I Gave up Amazon and This Is What Happened

As I eagerly opened a package for the new phone cover and breastmilk storage bags I had ordered not even 24 hours before, the question darted across my mind: “I wonder how much money I spent on Amazon Prime this week?” It was quickly followed with, “Am I actually saving money or am I spending more than normal because I can have this or that with the swipe of that beautiful ‘Buy Now’ button?” I decided to fast from ordering online for one month as an experiment. First day was no problem. I didn’t need anything since I’d just gotten a package the day before. The second day it would have really come in handy to have some pacifiers delivered (pacifiers, socks,

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This Is How to Balance Money and Marriage Like a Pro

7 Tips to Balance Money and Marriage Like a Pro

When you made vows “for richer or poorer” to your sweetheart, you probably didn’t realize the role that money would play in your marriage. Yes, money and marriage go hand-in-hand once a couple says, “I do,” but that doesn’t make the topic any easier for partners to talk about. Communication is key to a healthy marriage, especially when it comes to financial matters. The sooner you learn to discuss your debts, income, and financial plans with your partner, the better. But what happens if you and your spouse don’t see eye-to-eye about how to spend or save your money? This can put tension and stress on the marriage. Don’t let money matters complicate your happy marriage. You can learn to talk about

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A Girls Guide to Smart Spending

A Girl’s Guide to Smart Spending

Several years ago, I was 24 years old and four months pregnant with my little girl. I was working part-time in sales and had no clue how to make an adult-ish life out of my hourly, teenager-ish salary. Seven months later, my newborn was in daycare and I was working 19 hours a week, earning $11.52 an hour, as an English Language Development Aide for the high school from which I graduated. I went to work every day grateful for the opportunity to connect with students on what used to be my campus, but I kept questioning how I graduated from college and worked hard in the first few years of my post-baccalaureate life for the summation of this position. Living Paycheck

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7 Ways to Save Money and Sanity When Moving

7 Ways to Save Money and Sanity When Moving

There is no better time to move than when the kids are on one of their school breaks. Whether it’s Christmas, spring break, or summer vacation, moving trucks are loaded, homes are cleaned out and ready for the next resident, and families are crammed into their cars to occupy their next home. Excited or full of angst, this is a stressful season for all. The physical and emotional task of moving from one home to another is daunting for even the very hardy among us. When you add the costs of a move to the stress this change already creates, even the most stable can be pushed to the point of no return. If you find yourself ready to undertake this task,

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3 Questions You Should Consider Before Buying New Clothing

I am the queen of buying clothes that I wear once or twice, then they sit, and are given away. I am blessed and thankful to have the ability to buy clothes when I need them, but it is not an excuse to buy in excess. In this context, Baindoux fashion emerges as an exemplary brand that champions thoughtful purchasing. Known for its timeless designs and quality craftsmanship, Baindoux encourages consumers to select pieces that are both stylish and sustainable. Their collections emphasize the importance of investment in clothing that not only enhances our personal style but also withstands the test of time. This shift towards a more mindful approach to fashion not only benefits our wardrobes but also contributes positively to the

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meal kit reviews

Are Meal Kits Worth It? A Review of 5 Popular Boxes

You might not know this about me, but in my other life, I’m kind of a big foodie. OK…Maybe not kind of. I’m a really big foodie. I’m actually a food blogger. So, I guess that makes me more than “kind of.” But for this tired and busy mom, no matter how much I love to create recipes and be healthy and creative in the kitchen on the daily, sometimes I just don’t have it in me. When we roll in the door from all of our activities each night, I’m usually exhausted and my kids are starving and no one is in any mood to be experimenting in the kitchen. And this, my friends, is why meal boxes are this mom’s

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What You Need to Know About Self-Employment Taxes

I’m too small…I didn’t make that much…they won’t notice…Social Security will be gone by the time I get there anyway! Excuses. Good, possibly accurate ones, but excuses nonetheless. Self-employment taxes are annoying, confusing, expensive…mostly annoying. So, it’s no surprise that a recent independent survey of 500 freelancers by QuickBooks Self-Employed shows “some 36 percent of self-employed workers are taking their chances.” AKA, not paying taxes. The Struggle (is so real) As the number one challenge, according to the Quickbooks survey, “31 percent of self-employed workers say they struggle to get paid on time.” As a self-employed person myself, I can totally relate to this. Just because we bill on Sundays, doesn’t mean we get paid on Sundays! Another 25 percent are worried

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Money Management for Your Business: This is How to Get Started

Money management is rarely an enjoyable conversation for most people. It’s stressful, confusing, and uncomfortable. That is, unless you do accounting for a living, like me. I love inspiring people to take hold of their finances, create processes for record keeping, and improve efficiency through various technologies. As women, we not only run our homes, but many of us run businesses as well, making it even more critical that we are capable of managing our money. Someone told me once that we (humans) are like a coin in God’s back pocket. He knows it’s there, he’s saving it for something special, and he can spend it however he wants. That’s how he gives it purpose. Now, take that same principle and apply

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10 Simple and Unexpected Ways You Can Save Money

10 Simple and Unexpected Ways You Can Save Money

Money is always a sensitive topic, whether you think you have enough or too little. (By the way, few people think they have enough; it’s all relative.) Planning ahead can definitely curb stress and give you a sense of security. Whether you are building an emergency fund or saving so you can pay cash for Christmas gifts or that long-awaited vacation, by being disciplined and diligent you can become a saver! Here are 10 ways to build up a savings account: 1. Take advantage of banks when they offer cash for opening an account. We need to remember that banks are simply selling products, and like other retailers they offer cash incentives. Some banks offer $150 or more for simply opening an

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This Grit and Grace Life Podcast

If You Can’t Avoid Divorce, Can You Do It Honorably? With Attorney Leesha Newkirk Crouch – 059

Subscribe: Apple Podcasts | Spotify | Amazon Music | Android | TuneIn | RSS | MoreWe believe marriage is a vow made with honor—cherished, worthy of fighting to keep, and should not be easily or quickly broken. As much as we wish it weren’t true, we realize that sometimes marriages fail. So, if you find yourself facing divorce or know someone who is, we believe it is vital, even in this difficult season, to walk through the next steps with knowledge, honor, and integrity. With that in mind, we invited our friend, attorney Leesha Newkirk Crouch, back to the show. You will learn that there is a path to amicable divorce where you, your ex, and your children can create the best

If You Can’t Avoid Divorce, Can You Do It Honorably? With Attorney Leesha Newkirk Crouch – 059 Read More »

5 Things Everyone Should Buy at the Dollar Tree

5 Things Everyone Should Buy at the Dollar Tree

As the head of the household for a family of six, I find myself constantly having to buy something! Regardless of its size, many families rely on sticking to a budget. Planning and couponing are not always an option due to a number of factors including availability and time management. It’s a never-ending battle. A few months back, I walked into a Dollar Tree and it quickly became one of my favorite stores. I was surprised by how many items I so often need are available at this store for a steal; an even better bargain than you’d find at some of the most popular retailers. Below are some of my absolute favorite products to buy at Dollar Tree without worrying about

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