
We love makeup, fashion and skincare as much as the next woman. But we also recognize that inner beauty—the strength and grace we display—never ages.

Advice for the Woman Who’s Not Happy in Front of the Mirror

Advice for the Woman Who’s Not Happy in Front of the Mirror

My mother had me late in life. So, by the time I was 12, she was nearing the magic age of 50. I remember sitting in her bedroom while she dressed in the mornings. We would talk about my plans for the day. And as I sat there, my mind would drift, “I wonder if I’ll look like my mom when I grow up?” She was a small-framed, almost frail, woman, with what she endearingly called her “baby belly pouch.” It hung right above her panty-line. I can remember she always tried to hide as she dressed almost like she was just a little embarrassed or uncomfortable for my 12-year-old eyes to see her nakedness. Her behavior left an impression on my […]

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Just Because She’s Pretty, Doesn’t Mean You’re Not

(Listen to the audio version of this article here.) Do you have a friend who’s so beautiful that sometimes you find yourself staring, admiring? How about one who lives off of donuts and never lifts more than her purse but somehow maintains the body of a supermodel? Maybe you have a friend who always gets what she wants, and everything seems to go her way. Or what about your funny, charismatic friend who lights up a room and makes even strangers feel like they’ve been life-long friends? Have you ever noticed your friend’s beauty, talents, opportunities, or life as a whole and then suddenly felt like you got the short end of the stick? It’s not a fun place to be, and

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What Is Real Beauty?

We love makeup, fashion and skincare as much as the next woman. But we also recognize that inner beauty—the strength and grace we display—never ages.   Here Are 5 Must-Read Articles on All Things Beauty:   True Beauty is Found in a Woman’s Strength This is the pinnacle of Grit and Grace Life‘s message. We believe that the strength a woman taps into and develops as she navigates every phase, experience, and circumstance of her life reveals the magnitude of her beauty: her tenacity, compassion, and grace when things don’t work out as planned. Darlene Brock, the president and co-founder of Grit and Grace Life, penned this article to offer hope to every woman that craves this strength, and to emphasize the

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daring to go filterless how social media is impacting women and what we can do about it

Daring to Go Filterless: How Social Media Is Impacting Women and What We Can Do About It

Scrolling social media, I see women who are painted like porcelain dolls with tiny waists and thick-alicious hips. I see images of perfection that are totally disproportionate and unattainable. And what is worse: this dangerous trend now compels me. I find myself searching frantically for the perfect filter before I post a pic, the one that looks “natural” or like I’m just the right age (younger than I am). If I can’t find it, then I spend way too much time adjusting the lighting and color saturation; maybe I’ll even add one of those funky (and slightly creepy) filters that make me look like an extraterrestrial, flower child, or naughty pirate. I do this, I play along, even though most days all

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filterless lets get real about social media

Filterless—Let’s Get Real About Social Media

My kids love Instagram. They love it like a mom loves a Sunday afternoon nap, and if they ever have a chance to grab my phone, the first thing they do is hit the reels. Which, if I am being honest, I had no idea even existed. It didn’t take long for them to start spamming me with all kinds of nonsense, and although most of them were super annoying, there were a few where I was like, “Okay, some of these are clever.” Apparently, so is Instagram. They quickly figured out my style and started showing me only the ones I appeared to enjoy. It wasn’t long before I too was sucked into a deep hole, and a quick check of

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The Things We do for Beauty

  About this photo: “My boyfriend at the time (now my husband) was set to graduate from boot camp in two weeks. I wanted to absolutely dazzle him when he saw me after two months away from each other. So for the first time ever, I decided to add a little color to my hair—nothing drastic, but some highlights and a nice trim. My salon appointment ended up being a little over three hours, but during the middle of it, I remember looking into the mirror and laughing at how ridiculous I looked: the oversized cape and my hair stacked in little rods of tinfoil. The things we do for beauty!” —Tess Lopez, editorial assistant for Grit and Grace Life   A

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5 Ways I Learned to Love My Middle-Aged Body

5 Ways I Learned to Love My Middle-Aged Body

The other day, as I was participating in my daily scroll on social media, a Facebook memory popped up on my feed. It was a heartwarming throwback of me and my youngest when she was just a baby. I looked tired, yes, but also had that new-mom glow as I held my daughter in her “Baby’s First Christmas” outfit. She was three months old and this was, sadly, quite a few years ago. I remember that picture well. We were at my in-laws’ house after church, and it was the first time I had gotten “dressed up” since giving birth. And I remember being wildly insecure about my new, mom-of-three body. I felt frumpy, overweight, and gross. I didn’t want to go,

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A Letter to My Daughter on Body Image: May You Love All of You

(Listen to the audio version of this article here.) Dear Daughter, We are together more than ever these days. I watch as you wake each morning, walk into your closet, and choose an outfit that doesn’t go together. You pull up your leggings without noticing the skin that spills over the tight waistband. You run a brush through your hair and carefully choose a headband or opt for a braid. I passively wonder if you wish for hair opposite of your own in texture and color. But there is no sighing or visible expression of disappointment as you comb through the tangles and frizz. Instead, you smile and make silly faces at your reflection in the mirror. Virtual school ends, and you’re

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Inner beauty

A Woman’s Inner Strength and Beauty

At Grit and Grace Life, we talk about all aspects of a woman’s life, down to the little pleasures like makeup and fashion. But we also like to focus on a woman’s inner beauty—the strength she exudes during a difficult phase of life, like loss and divorce. Or the patience she exemplifies while raising children and focusing on her career. While there is nothing wrong with enjoying makeup and fashion, beauty is also found in the intangible. Witnessing a woman walk through life with strength and confidence is something that can’t be bought!

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6 Beauty Hacks That Will Cut Time in Your Morning Routine

Many of us are guilty of hitting the snooze button on our alarms and sleeping in until the very last minute. If I don’t absolutely have to get up and start moving, then I’m not getting out of bed. But enjoying those extra minutes of beauty sleep means sacrificing some getting-ready time. To maximize that beauty sleep and still look amazing and feel stress-free in the morning, try these simple beauty hacks. Here are six hacks to help cut down time in your morning routine:  1. Plan ahead The quickest way to cut back on a huge chunk of time is to plan your outfit the night before. This saves you the stress of scrambling to find an outfit and settling on

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How to Clean Your Makeup Brushes in 5 Easy Steps

How to Clean Your Makeup Brushes in 5 Easy Steps

It’s inevitable: the bristles crowning our makeup brushes, once sleek and shiny like the mane of a show horse, are now dull and clumpy. The residue of our cosmetic labor—sparkly shadow, heavy foundation, and powdery blush—has caked into stiff clumps. We shouldn’t wait until our brushes get to this sorry stage to clean them. Ideally, makeup brushes and sponges should be cleaned at least once a week. Without frequent cleaning, bacteria may accumulate on the brushes, and can often lead to breakouts. So by all means, avoid a potential zit-uation (sorry, couldn’t let that opportunity slip), and bathe those brushes! It’s always a wise idea to use lukewarm water and gentle cleanser when cleaning your brushes to maintain the integrity of the

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Girl, It's Perfectly OK

Girl, It’s Perfectly OK to Just Be You!

Each of us goes about life in our own, unique way. Though you may feel like some of your quirks are a bit ridiculous, we want you to know that there’s nothing to be embarrassed about; we all have them! While so many avenues tell us what we should like and how we should act, we are here to say something different: celebration is always better than comparison. So, ladies, it is perfectly okay if… You just had to get ice cream on your lunch break; you’re an adult, so it’s allowed. You make a detour and park at the garden center because…succulents. It’s your third caramel macchiato this week—it means you’re meeting up with a friend for a heartfelt chat. (Read this first, by the way!)

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Simple Skin Care: All-Natural Recipes for Bright Healthy Skin

With wrinkles, bumps, and dry patches, I am always searching for magic potions to erase these unwelcome, overstaying visitors without breaking my budget or reverting to picking and prodding with my fingertips (so guilty). Like most people, I want to be nice to my face, and all of the products I tested included so many unpronounceable ingredients… Trying to figure out what they were and if they were ok for my skin felt daunting. Plus, when I did find a high-quality natural brand, the price tags sent me back to the easy swipe of a makeup wipe. After all, what I really want in my skin care routine is effective simplicity. Navigating the world of skincare can feel overwhelming, especially with the

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The Greatest Beauty Product You’ve Never Heard Of, on the Cheap

If you’re anything like me, you love the power of makeup! Whether your beauty routine is a simple moisturizer and sunscreen duo or you love to go “full glam” on the regular, spending time taking care of the skin you’re in and having a bit of fun while doing it can be a relaxing and fascinating process. A quick YouTube search on “The Power of Makeup” will yield thousands of video tutorials of the step-by-step process each vlogger uses to enhance or even transform their appearance. Take a look in the video notes and you will find a complete list of the products used to accomplish the look—and wow, that list can be extensive and expensive! It wouldn’t be surprising if you

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What Makeup Brushes Do I Really Need?

What Makeup Brushes Do I Really Need?

I got into makeup sometime in college. Before that, I shudder to see the pictures. And then, maybe worse, was my first year or two experimenting with it…but, I digress. These days I would count makeup as a hobby. Learning about it, teaching others about it, sharing my favorite hacks and products, and strongly advocating the frequent-wearing of false eyelashes (seriously, just do it!). One thing that really upped my makeup game was when I began using makeup brushes…not just relying on the applicators that came with the products I bought from the drugstore (no shame in that, by the way!). If you want to start getting a little more serious about your makeup, I suggest you get a few staple brushes

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8 Ways to Create the Perfect Spa in Your Home!

Growing up, my mother would host little spa nights for me and my friends (that and tea parties were definitely her forte!). It wasn’t until my honeymoon, when I planned a day at a silent spa (yes, I said “silent”…I can hear all the introverts rejoicing!) for my husband, that I fell in love with all things spa. Real talk, though: spas are expensive, and it’s super fun to enjoy a spa with girlfriends in the comfort of your own home. Side note—remember snacks, snacks, snacks! Cucumbers are fun to put on your eyes, but they’re also fun in your water or a refreshing iced tea. Here are a few tips for creating a fun, perfect spa in your home: 1. Atmosphere If the

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Real Techniques Miracle Complexion Sponge is a Must Have!

Real Techniques Miracle Complexion Sponge is a Must Have!

Today I’m looking at Real Techniques Miracle Complexion Sponge. These are amazing in about 1,000 different ways! This is a drugstore brand of the “beauty blender.” They can be used to apply make-up either dry or damp. I use these mainly for foundation, concealer, and setting powders. I bought mine on Amazon for $6.99, but you can find them at Target and Walmart too. The great thing about this particular sponge is the different edges it has to blend—creating a smooth, professional finish. It has a point that can get into smaller areas around the eye. The pointed side is also great for covering a small break out. The flat side of the sponge can be used to tap on foundation and powders, but it can also be used for contouring. These

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