Self Talk

If we talk to ourselves more than anyone else, what should our inner dialogue sound like? Here are great reads on self talk to help you prevent self sabotage & advance in the ways you desire. #gritandgracelife

This Grit and Grace Life Podcast

How do We Handle the Messiness of Motherhood? with Laila Schell – 168

Subscribe: Apple Podcasts | Spotify | Amazon Music | Android | TuneIn | RSS | MoreMotherhood is messy—literally and figuratively! While moms work hard to raise healthy, happy and responsible kids, they’re also dealing with the pressure to be perfect. The age of social media is unforgiving in this arena, and moms often struggle with feeling like they fall short. In this podcast episode, Darlene Brock and Julie Bender interview Laila Schell, a writer, wife and mom of four who’s experienced her fair share of motherhood ups and downs. Laila expresses the importance of giving yourself grace when you feel like you don’t measure up, and understanding that you don’t have to be perfect to be a great mom. We encourage you […]

How do We Handle the Messiness of Motherhood? with Laila Schell – 168 Read More »

I'm ditching perfection because my best is enough

I’m Ditching Perfection Because My Best Is Enough

Once again, I grabbed a shopping cart to complete what seems to be my four-times-a-week run to Walmart. As I was rolling down the aisle, I passed one of those cardboard boxes that sits strategically in your path. You know—those big old things that you have to navigate your shopping cart around. The reason it’s placed there is so you will go slowly, pause, and purchase something that wasn’t on your list and that you didn’t know you needed until that very moment. This particular brightly-painted bit of corrugation had wall art in it, the kind that’s there to inspire us. I’m pretty sure the piece that caught my attention was targeted at women. It stated this: “You don’t have to be

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A Letter to My Daughter on Body Image: May You Love All of You

(Listen to the audio version of this article here.) Dear Daughter, We are together more than ever these days. I watch as you wake each morning, walk into your closet, and choose an outfit that doesn’t go together. You pull up your leggings without noticing the skin that spills over the tight waistband. You run a brush through your hair and carefully choose a headband or opt for a braid. I passively wonder if you wish for hair opposite of your own in texture and color. But there is no sighing or visible expression of disappointment as you comb through the tangles and frizz. Instead, you smile and make silly faces at your reflection in the mirror. Virtual school ends, and you’re

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Why Your Self-Talk Drives Your Life (And How To Make It Work For You)

Why Your Self-Talk Drives Your Life (and How to Make It Work for You)

Do you say mean things to yourself, but don’t know how to stop it? Can you think of a time when you know your self-talk got the best of you and sabotaged something really important (a job interview, a relationship, a business, or a dream)? Are you tired of holding yourself back because you can’t get control of your self-talk? You may be great at setting goals, starting relationships, or following your dreams, but it is impossible to accomplish them and keep your resolutions if you don’t get in control of your self-talk. Your self-talk drives everything in your life. I used to have crushing anxiety and fear. I have trained myself to be my best coach, supporter, and encourager. I have

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ADZ self talk

Ask Dr. Zoe – 6 Steps to Transform Your Self-Talk (video)

If you’ve ever criticized yourself about the things you’ve done, or the things that others have done to you, then you are rooting yourself in a destructive habit, my friend! Would you tell a dear friend that they are ugly or stupid? Of course not! Because you recognize their innate value. It’s time for you to recognize your own! We all make mistakes, and many times, people disappoint us. But directing the shame and hurt inward will curb our growth and misinform the way we see the world. In this video, psychotherapist Dr. Zoe Shaw review six steps for recognizing, monitoring and transforming the way we speak to ourselves. It’s a process that takes time and persistence, she says, but the results

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Ask Dr Zoe betrayed in a previous relationship

Ask Dr. Zoe – How Do I Learn to Trust Again When I Have Been Betrayed in a Previous Relationship?

If you’ve been hurt in a previous relationship or by someone you trust, it becomes much harder to place confidence in those you encounter after the betrayal. However, licensed psychotherapist Dr. Zoe warns that the issue is not with others, but with you. Here she explains how you can challenge your tendency to believe that nobody is trustworthy, and focus instead on how others have demonstrated trust.

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Ask Dr. Zoe Image for posts

Ask Dr. Zoe – How Can You Change Your Self-Talk?

‘Krista’ Asked: How do you change self talk. How do you train the voice that is constantly speaking to you to SPEAK POSITIVE. Is there a way to retrain that voice? Dr. Zoe Answered: 100 times yes! This is my absolute favorite area to work on with clients. Your self-talk is not who you are. It is not a function of your personality and you were not born with it. Your self-talk develops over a period of time, often in your childhood. It’s essentially an agreement between what the world tells you about who you are and what you decide to take on as your own. Your self-talk feeds the lens through which you see yourself and the whole world, so you

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Never Question Your Value — Jodi Schultz (video)

Any number of things can make us question our self-worth, whether it’s our inability to excel in a job or skill, or allowing the harsh words of someone we care about to shatter our spirit. The pain of feeling like we have no value is detrimental, but even if we believe it, it simply isn’t true. Grit and Grace Life writer Jodi Schultz shares what she told another woman who doubted her worth: that the only person who can determine your worth is the one who created you. And because the One who created us is God, we have infinite value and we are loved.

Never Question Your Value — Jodi Schultz (video) Read More »

This Grit and Grace Life Podcast

7 Things You Can Stop Doing To Be a Strong Woman – 147

Subscribe: Apple Podcasts | Spotify | Amazon Music | Android | TuneIn | RSS | More We know that a strong woman has a lot of things she has to do. But did you know that there are some things a woman should NOT do in order to be her strongest self? For most of us, it’s hard to identify what those actions and behaviors are, and it’s even more challenging to stop doing them. So, what are the items that you need to erase from your to-do list in life? Co-hosts Darlene Brock and Julie (Graham) Bender offer a little help by suggesting a few ways you can set your course to becoming a stronger you. Here are a few of

7 Things You Can Stop Doing To Be a Strong Woman – 147 Read More »

My Embarrassing Moment at Church Changed Me (for Better)

My Embarrassing Moment at Church Changed Me (For Better)

I was dragging my feet getting ready. For as long as I can remember, we’ve had an open mic for folks to share their thank you’s the Sunday after Thanksgiving. Children often go first and warm up the crowd with sweeping praises: “Thank you, God, for the whole wide world,” and with smaller ones—“We have a new baby. She smiled at me.” I was dragging my feet because I’d stepped behind that mic two Thanksgivings before this one, and the memory of it still made me miserable. Maybe I should just stay home again this year like I’d done last year? I wanted to believe that everyone had forgotten it by now. I sure wanted to forget. At the last minute, I

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30 Self-Affirmations You Need to Try Now And Why

30 Self-Affirmations You Need to Try Now (And Why)

The sun rose a little too early, your coffee was cold by the time you got a chance to drink it, your children just won’t cooperate, you went to bed angry… Hundreds of little things have the potential to ruin your morning if you have not trained yourself to look at the positives in your life instead of the negatives. Understanding the Negatives It’s no surprise that it’s easier to wallow in the negatives than it is to notice the positives of life. While research shows that there is a beneficial reason we tend to focus on the negatives instead of the positives, it’s important not to become overwhelmed by the bad and lose sight of the good. Some days, however, can

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If Words Are Powerful, How Should You Speak to Yourself

If Words Are Powerful, How Should You Speak to Yourself?

Do you know who you spend the most time with? Who you talk to the most? Whose voice you hear the most? I encourage you to park here for just a moment and really think about these questions. If I answer quickly, I would say my husband, children, a few friends, or maybe my coworkers. If I thought about it for just a hot minute, I might say I hear my mom’s voice in my head the most. In all reality though, the answer is me. I spend the most time with and have the most conversations with myself. You might be nodding your head or furrowing your brow in a confused question like “what…?” Seriously though, you drive to the grocery

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Self-Love with Julie Graham

Why You Really Need Self-Love Now (Video)

What is self-love? Is it important? Should we be extending it to ourselves? If so, how? ? Listen here as Julie Graham, Brand Ambassador at Grit and Grace Life, explains why she believes self-love is one of the biggest problems women face in this generation. — Looking to boost your self-confidence? Start here: 10 Ways to Boost Your Confidence Bible Verses From the Grit and Grace Team on Self-Worth Now Is the Time to Ignite Your Confidence 5 Things to Do When You Don’t Recognize Yourself 10 Behaviors Found in the Inspired Woman Put on Your Big Girl Panties and Get to Work (On Yourself) 3 Ways Positive Self-Talk Can Improve Your Life Don’t miss these popular articles: The Grit and Grace

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This Grit and Grace Life Podcast

Get It Girl! How Self-Respect Can Change Your Life – 097

Subscribe: Apple Podcasts | Spotify | Amazon Music | Android | TuneIn | RSS | MoreWe all want to be respected by others, but we must first respect ourselves for that to happen. So, what does this look like? Women don’t always consider what our actions communicate; what we do, say, and how we carry ourselves will tell the world whether or not we believe we are worthy of respect. In this episode, Darlene Brock and Julie Graham discuss how we can earn respect in all areas of our everyday lives: at home, work, in our friendships and romantic relationships, and, most importantly, in our minds. A strong woman of grit and grace will remember the first thing she needs to do

Get It Girl! How Self-Respect Can Change Your Life – 097 Read More »

Namastay Calm and Carry On—Accepting God’s Love for Me

Namastay Calm and Carry On—Accepting God’s Love for Me

A few weeks ago, I was in a power hot yoga class when the long and lean gal next to me caught my eye. Instead of focusing on my side plank with a tree variation, I ended up going down the rabbit hole of self-loathing (and falling out of my pose!). Three months postpartum, my body is a bit, well, squishy. And let’s face it, postpartum or not, being five feet and almost one inch tall, I’ve never been particularly long! I felt a conviction in my spirit, and immediately the thought filled my head: “You aren’t loving her if you’re judging her.” “But Lord!” I argued, “I’m not judging her! I’m admiring her!” “No, you’re not,” He answered. “And for that matter,

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2 Ways to Break Free From Self Sabotage

2 Ways to Break Free From Self-Sabotage

In a podcast episode of This Grit and Grace Life, Julie and Darlene talk about ruts that women fall into. (You can listen to that episode here.) You know, those tricky little potholes we run over from time to time… Unfortunately, they often take us much longer to get out of than we’d care to admit. If you can relate and are currently stuck, I’d like you to know one thing: You’re not alone. Just because you’ve got company, though, doesn’t mean you should settle in. So, as our dear co-founder would say, “What’s a girl to do?” Let’s start by looking at two trenches women fall into… 1. The all-or-nothing mindset. It sounds good and noble to say, “I’m just an

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Take it Easy—On Yourself

Take It Easy—On Yourself

We work very hard to give others a break, at least most days we do. But when it comes to ourselves—that can be the toughest person to forgive. Not sure why, but we are often the last person who we want to let off the hook. We cling to thoughts like, “I should have known better… What was I thinking?” and, “I can’t believe I forgot that” or, “I must look like the dumbest brick in the room.” Newsflash: we’re are all in the same boat of imperfection, and we just need to take it easy! Next time you want to give yourself a one-woman smack down, remember these 5 things to say to yourself: 1. My best teacher was my last mistake. 2. No one will

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