Work & Money

Welcome to Work & Money.
Whether you’re just starting out in the work force, juggling work and motherhood, or getting ready to change jobs, or trying to master your money challenges — we’ve got you covered with our Work & Money section. Here, we discuss college, career prep, finding a job, making a living, and how to manage your money so that it doesn’t manage you.
Your Work, Your Passion
Certainly, work is about making a paycheck and paying those bills (okay, a little shopping too!), but work is also about your passion. Your life’s work should be something that inspires you, something that gets you out of bed in the morning.
Easier said than done, right? Well, it’s all about that soul-searching — and maybe a little trial and error! A great place to start is to check out some of the paths of other working women who have been in your shoes before. Who knows? You might become inspired to find your passion as well!
Women and Money: Pros & Woes
Fortunately, the pros are the ones helping the rest of us out with our money woes. After all, we’re not born with the ability to earn big, save, and invest. This is the stuff you’ve got to learn, and on The Grit & Grace Project, we want you to have the best information possible. While most of all of us are not pros in finance but we willingly share our real life experience, our stories, solutions, the wisdom we’ve gained along with a little bit of information from the professionals. We’re here to offer what worked for us to help you better handle your money — and your debt.
From reducing your high-spending tendencies and saving cash with super apps to what to do when you’ve lost a job and being prepared in the event of a financial loss — we offer our very own financial experience that may help you to make smart decisions for you and your future too.
It’s all here on The Grit & Grace Project.

5 Lessons Every Woman in the Workplace Should Learn

5 Lessons Every Woman in the Workplace Should Learn

There is an education needed for every woman in the workplace—one that has nothing to do with their chosen career. It rests heavily on real-life instruction and will help you to avoid becoming ensnared in those “Oh dear, what should I do now?” moments that happen in almost every workplace. Here are 5 lessons every working woman needs to learn: 1. The Side-Hug The key to successfully maneuvering the side hug (when you see the inappropriate full-frontal hugger heading your way) is to wait until he gets about five feet in front of you, then quickly pivot 90 degrees to your right. He will run into your shoulder or elbow, the most uncomfortable parts of a woman’s body. 2. Dodging the Gossip […]

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7-Tips-for-Saving-on-Back-to-School-Shopping 2017

7 Tips for Saving on Back-to-School Shopping

Summer vacations are coming to an end and the school year is almost here. Now that we’ve all got that summer glow, it’s time to start the back-to-school preparations. We know that simply the thought of it can be overwhelming—especially the financial side—and we understand why. It’s expensive! In fact, an article from states that parents are spending on average about $1,000 on back-to-school supplies, “nearly the same as the average U.S. monthly mortgage payment.” Yikes! Parents, we feel for you. So, we’ve compiled 7 tips to help you keep some of your cash inside your wallet. 1. Take inventory and recycle. Go through the backpacks that have been sitting stagnant in your kids’ closets all summer. Check closets, bedrooms, and office spaces

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8 Ways to Take the Fear Out of Networking

8 Ways to Take the Fear Out of Networking

For many executives and business owners, networking is a non-negotiable part of marketing and generating leads. When you are passionate about what you do, it can be a key way to spread the word about how your products or services can help others grow their own businesses. If you’re an extrovert, you probably get a little jolt of adrenaline over the endless possibilities for meeting interesting new people and the challenge of persuading some of them to give you their business. But for busy working moms, young career starters, introverts, and exhausted over-achievers, just hearing the word “networking” can make you long to curl up in a ball under your desk. It’s intimidating and draining to constantly generate productive small talk. The

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3 Simple Changes to Save Money Right Now

3 Simple Changes to Save Money Right Now

I am a spender. I’m not proud of this fact, but it’s true. I have never learned the fine art of budgeting or saving or, if I’m honest, managing my money at all. This was not because my parents failed, mind you; I vividly remember my father sitting me down and forcing me to learn how to balance a checkbook and lecturing me on the importance of a savings account. I’m sure if we got into the finer arguments about nature versus nurture, we would discern that it’s because I’m naturally impulsive, more of a right-brained creative thinker than a logical left-brainer, and just all-around less careful than I should be when it comes to finances. Which is why it’s so perfect

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How to Be Prepared Financially in Case of a Tragic Loss

How to Be Prepared Financially in Case of a Tragic Loss

I have a sweet friend who lost her husband very unexpectedly. In the midst of the shock and grief, figuring out their personal finances caused tremendous stress because she had no idea where their financial records were kept. Her sons spent days digging through paperwork and unlocking her husband’s computer to find his will, trust, life insurance and retirement policies, and bank account records. Her husband also handled all the finances for his 83-year-old mother, making the task doubly stressful and concerning. I have girlfriends, also, who haven’t a clue as to what retirement accounts their husbands have invested in, how much life insurance they have, or even the balance in their bank accounts. I’m guilty as well! I pay some of

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Five Ways to Make Your Job Sweeter

This Is How to Enjoy Your Work More

Lots of women love their jobs. That is truly something to be celebrated! But many women are in transition, working one place to gain skills for something better, or struggling in a position that doesn’t fit their gifts and talents because they need a job to pay the bills now. There are some things you can’t change about a difficult workplace, like boring assignments, a grumpy boss, or difficult coworkers. All you can do is make the best of it. Below are five ideas to care for your heart at work…and perhaps help pave the way for something better. And if you’re one of those women who love your job already, these ideas might make it even sweeter! Give praise to others

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This is What Every Business Owner Should Know

This Is What Every Business Owner Should Know

When I left to begin my world travels, I knew I’d be bringing my small business along with me. I packed my laptop, its charger, and…me! That’s the moment I became scared. As I sat on our sailboat bobbing in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean, it hit me: I have to depend on me, my skillset, my work ethic, my organization, me! There was no paycheck pending, no work in the pipeline, no one to tell me what project to prioritize. I would have to do that for myself. Popping my laptop open, I established some entrepreneurial goals. Below are a few practical ways I’m able to boost my output and success. Perhaps they will work for you, too! Create a schedule

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This Is How to Work Hard and Still Be a Great Mom

This Is How to Work Hard and Still Be a Great Mom

It is possible to be a successful working mom and to still be a good mom. I have been the stay-at-home mom, but I am currently the mom who works full-time. Let me tell you, both are hard work and it is true: a mother’s work is never done. We are always on call. Here is how I have been able to get things done and still be present for my family when I am home. Planning is key! I have always been the person who must write everything down. It helps me to process and focus. If I know what I have coming up with work events, appointments, and meetings then I can compare and plan. I make sure I am

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Simple Ways to Save Money on Your Summer Vacation

Who doesn’t love a good ol’ summer vacation? Maybe a road trip, trek to the beach or the mountains, or jaunt to visit grandma and grandpa. Maybe somewhere you’ve never been before or somewhere you go every year when the weather gets warm. As a kid, there is something magical about the day that school lets out and the possibilities for the coming months are endless. As an adult, things usually look a little different and summer vacations come with a bit more planning, scheduling, and budgeting. But, just because you’re breaking away from the routine, you don’t necessarily have to break the bank! Just in time for your summer getaway, here are 3 tips to save you money on your vacation:

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How to Declutter the Chaos in Your Home and Get Organized

I am one of those crazy-productive, ultra-organized people you love to hate. Yep, I was born that way. But I was also born with an analytical mind and a heart to teach and lead others. As I approached my 40th birthday in January 2012, my life was the most UN-organized, UN-productive, and UN-planned it had ever been. I couldn’t find a thing in my house, and my family finances and family members’ health were all spiraling out of control. I did what any sane person would do… I quit my job. OK, maybe not so sane. Everything was falling apart anyway. And I couldn’t control anything around me. Except my space. And it was a hot mess! In the middle of January

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What This Lawyer Thinks Every Woman Should Know

Court cases are all around us. Literally millions upon millions are filed each year in the United States.1 They can be anything from a traffic citation to a divorce to personal injury to domestic violence and everything in between. Before I attended law school, I couldn’t comprehend the vast reaches the law has on each and every one of our lives. Honestly, I am still surprised when issues come up that require research into something you never thought you’d need to know; I’ll never forget when a male colleague of mine had to research the fair market value of hair weaves to assist a victim of theft. And, perhaps, unfortunately, many of us will find ourselves party to a case in one

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How to Handle Workplace Criticism with Grit and Grace

How to Handle Workplace Criticism with Grit and Grace

“Every human being is entitled to courtesy and consideration. Constructive criticism is not only to be expected but sought.” -Margaret Chase Smith, the first woman to serve in both houses of US Congress Constructive criticism is one of those things we love to hate. We know that in order to grow and improve we must continually use the lens of those we trust and respect to sharpen us every day. However, when we receive it, that criticism can cut deep into our core and leave us shaken and unsure. But it’s not the criticism that counts, is it? It’s what we do with it. It’s not supposed to just hurt our feelings and then die. The importance is in the work we

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Considering a Direct Sales Business? 5 Things to Know First

Considering a Direct Sales Business? 5 Things to Know First

A few years ago, my husband and I were struggling financially. This is not uncommon. In fact, according to a 2017 survey from CareerBuilder, “Seventy-eight percent of  full-time workers said they live paycheck to paycheck.”1 My family was part of that seventy-eight percent. In addition to living paycheck to paycheck, we were growing deeper in debt. I decided working from home in a multi-level marketing business would benefit us. I loved a line of health products I was already using; they had been helping me feel better for months. So, I looked into the business side of things with a friend who was already earning an income with the company (though I had told her many times before that I never would). I

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How to Build the Workplace Reputation of Your Dreams

How to Build the Workplace Reputation of Your Dreams

So you aced the interview, got the offer of a lifetime, and are about to start the job of your dreams. Congratulations! There is nothing quite as simultaneously exciting and terrifying as starting a new job. There’s just so much new to take in: new office, new colleagues, new desk, new rules. It’s as fresh of a start as it comes. But it’s not without pressure, is it? Especially if this is a dream job or a place you plan to stay for the long haul, building a good reputation among your superiors and colleagues is a must. You know what you bring to the table—with your fabulous ideas, outstanding talents, and brilliant input—but in the modern world, you have to earn your

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16 Simple Ways to Save Money Every Year

16 Simple Ways to Save Money Every Year

When I decided to quit my job and stay home with our first son, my husband and I whittled away our budget as tight as we could. It was time for us to find ways to save money. We looked at each bill and examined all of our spending habits under a microscope to make it work. Since then I’ve found even more ways to stretch a dollar! Here are some tips (and none are sponsored, just ideas) on ways to save money from me to you: 1. Wait until the end of the month to buy most things. Amazon used to be my weakness. I would decide we “need” something and order it lickety-split before putting much thought into how I

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6 Ways the Military Made Me Respectful in the Workplace

6 Ways the Military Made Me Respectful in the Workplace

I’ve been in the military for nearly 11 years now. It’s offered me countless opportunities to travel the country and the world, meet individuals from all different walks of life, and helped me to create a rewarding career serving my country—a privilege not many get to experience. I joined at age 18, barely a month after graduating high school, and with my enlistment, I earned myself a crash course in respect. Although there are nuances the military enforces that other professions may not, over the years I’ve learned a handful of habits that I believe would benefit anyone, regardless of their line of work. Personal values and virtues will influence how you interact and treat others, but here are some tips that

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5 Life Lessons I Gained From My Job In Retail

5 Life Lessons I Gained From My Job In Retail

My first job out of high school was working for a discount department store. Being my first “real” job (other than babysitting), it was also my first foray into the more interesting world of how people treat other adults, their children, and retail employees. Here are 5 things that I learned from working in retail: 1. Sometimes, the customer may not be completely in the right. We always want to think the best of people, but not everyone is concerned about store employees and or the product they sell. I once witnessed a customer refuse to return the $200 he was just given on accident by a cashier because, according to him, it was the cashier’s fault and not his problem. Even

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