Self Worth

Every woman is valuable & worthy, but sometimes we struggle to overcome our insecurities. Here are great reads to help you discover your inherent self worth & how to live in it. #gritandgracelife


This is What it Means to Be Surefooted

When I was a little girl, I remember sitting in the car as my dad drove us to the San Francisco Bay Area. Although I can’t remember why we were going, or if all of my family was together for the ride, one thing sticks out quite vividly. As we drove past a hill, I looked out the window and saw a herd of cattle. I asked my dad why the cows didn’t fall off the hill, and he replied, “They’re surefooted.” I didn’t realize how impactful that particular word would be throughout my adult years, or how many times it would come back up for me. But in that moment, my dad imparted a word in my spirit that would be […]

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This Grit and Grace Life Podcast

How to Feel Your Emotions in a Healthy Way With Dr. Zoe Shaw – 075

Subscribe: Apple Podcasts | Spotify | Amazon Music | Android | TuneIn | RSS | MoreFeelings. We are all affected by them, even driven by them, whether we want to admit it or not. Our emotions can harm us but they are helpful too, often depending upon how we process them. So, to sort all of these feelings out, we invited our friend, licensed therapist and relationship expert, Dr. Zoe Shaw, back to the show to help women discover the road to healthy emotions. Co-hosts Darlene Brock and Julie Graham don’t shy away from asking the personal questions as they reflect on how feelings have played a role in their lives; they also unpack how men and women differ in their handling

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A Little Encouragement When Motherhood is Disappointing

A Little Encouragement When Motherhood Is Disappointing

Wait. Is this taboo? Can I talk about when this joyous thing called parenting is disappointing? Whether you have a newborn who is screaming all night or a 40-year-old adult child living downstairs, there comes a point (well, many of them maybe) when a parent thinks, wait—this sucks! Before you get offended, let me acknowledge that talking about the not-so-great parts of parenting does not in any way negate the amazing, heartwarming, life-changing miracle that parenting is. It really is. But sometimes it is truly disappointing, and way too often we parents take on way too much guilt, which of course only further impedes our good parenting moments. We are never off the hook as parents, but that doesn’t mean we are destined to a

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This Grit and Grace Life Podcast

Are You a Strong Woman of Grit and Grace? – 072

Subscribe: Apple Podcasts | Spotify | Amazon Music | Android | TuneIn | RSS | MoreThis Grit and Grace Life is a podcast for strong women and those who want to be. After several conversations with friends and hearing from readers of The Grit and Grace Project online magazine, co-hosts Darlene and Julie realized that you might not be so sure you have this inner strength at all. Or, maybe you’re unclear of what exactly makes a woman strong. In this week’s episode, they explore what a strong woman looks like, what qualities she possesses, and society’s view of empowerment, even if seeking to be strong contradicts her faith. At The Grit and Grace Project, we know that you have what it

Are You a Strong Woman of Grit and Grace? – 072 Read More »

This Grit and Grace Life Podcast

Is Society Right About Women or Are We Misunderstood? – 069

Subscribe: Apple Podcasts | Spotify | Amazon Music | Android | TuneIn | RSS | MoreSociety has a lot of misconceptions about women. Are we emotional, unable to handle a budget, or into shopping? The answer is maybe yes and maybe no. Stereotypes can often be harmful, and a few are downright ugly! While we admit our shortcomings, we believe each woman has unique traits and qualities that set her apart. So, how does a woman of grit and grace combat these cultural assumptions? We start by realizing that we aren’t all alike, yet we do possess many characteristics that unite all women and make our gender special. Co-hosts Darlene and Julie discuss how crucial it is for us to tap into

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Unattached tennis shoes/feet in pebbles

To the Christian Woman With a Crooked Past

As I sat in that stuffy, little room listening to the woman on stage, I looked around at the other women—some nodding along, some with eyes glistening with unshed tears—all with rapt attention. I listened to her testimony, heard her words, walked through her journey with the Lord. And with a bitter inward sigh, I thought to myself, “That’s it? That’s the best you’ve got?” Her story, it was beautiful. Her faith, it was unwavering and strong through the peaks and valleys of her life. I should have felt inspired by her testimony. I knew it took courage and strength for her to sit up there, in front of her peers, and bare her soul in words as personal as any words

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How to Find Purpose in All That You Do

How to Find Purpose in All That You Do

I constantly mistake the word purpose for role. If my purpose is motherhood, then I’m lost when my kids go to school. If my purpose is in my career, I’m out of luck at the loss of my job. Dog moms lose their pups, students graduate, and relationships end. How can we remain purposeful through transitions, breakups, new beginnings, or tragedy? Our purpose has to come from somewhere else. Purpose is not a title or a role; it’s an inherent mission statement. I want to challenge you to define your purpose—let’s call it a personal mission statement. It’s something you can stay true to no matter what life throws your way. Here are some examples of purpose: To let faith conquer my

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Can You See Past Your Brokenness?

Can You See Past Your Brokenness?

Instead of lounging poolside or sharing a plate of barbeque with friends, I kicked-off this past summer by spending Memorial Day weekend in the emergency room with severe vomiting and dehydration. After conferring with several doctors over the past few months and undergoing allergy and blood tests, I’ve recently discovered I have a rare syndrome that isn’t super well-known within the medical community, much less the general population. Everything I put in my mouth must now be hyper-scrutinized to keep this uncommon condition from sending me into septic shock. To be honest, I haven’t been quite sure what to make of this diagnosis and I’ve been all over the map emotionally. Questions such as what this means for me long-term, how long

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To the Mom Who Feels Guilty for Sitting on the Job

To the Mom Who Feels Guilty for Sitting on the Job

Last week I found myself in a unique predicament. It was a typical weekday afternoon. Nothing special or noteworthy, and if I’m completely honest I’ll admit that I don’t even remember what day it actually was—could have been Tuesday or Thursday. I have no idea. Regardless, on this afternoon the kids were all home, homework and chores were done, and the messy after-school routine (and the whining that goes along with it) was long over. My daughter was happily jumping away on the trampoline, my son was playing basketball outside, and my oldest had gone to a friend’s house. They didn’t need me. My house was quiet. My pressing daily chores finished long before, and there was still an hour or so before dinner

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conquering the im not enough syndrome

How to Conquer the “I’m Not Enough” Syndrome

Do you find these thoughts in your daily dialogue? “I’m not smart enough, thin enough, pretty enough, talented enough…” If you had a friend who said these things to you, you would quickly un-friend them in every area of your life. So, why do you to say these things to yourself? These lying, “not enough” phrases are nothing more than barriers that keep you from being all you were created to be. So, what do you do? Here are 6 steps to gaining a new perspective: 1. End the comparing! You were not created to be someone else; you are on this planet to accomplish something only you can do. 2. Stop striving. Perfection isn’t achievable nor is brilliance necessary. Many “C” students

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Ask Dr. Zoe Image for posts

Ask Dr. Zoe – Embrace Confrontation, Even When You Fear Rejection

‘Worship Band’ Asked: I sing in the worship band at my church. I was convinced to join by a friend who noticed me confidently singing all the words at practice. The leader agreed that I was a good fit. Fast forward two years and I’m still singing about once per month in the worship band. Often there are weeks when the leader is singing by himself without backup. And I know the other two backup singers besides me have told him they are unavailable. I can’t help wondering why the leader doesn’t ask me to sing more often. And I kept thinking he’d rather have no one than me and that he thinks the other singers are better than me. I don’t

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To the Mom Who Is Starting to Doubt Herself

To the Mom Who Is Starting to Doubt Herself

Are there times you wonder if you’ll ever find complete fulfillment? As a stay at home mom, I am often chasing after something, whether it be my family, blogging, friends, or my appearance. All of those things leave me with a slight emptiness, even motherhood. I adore my son, and I know motherhood is a gift. But, even in motherhood, I struggle to find my worth. Am I good enough as a mom? Could I be better? Am I doing this right? All these questions flood my mind on a daily basis and call in wonder over whether or not I am right for my son. Could someone else have done a better job? I know in my heart that the answer

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This Is Why Women Are Great Defenders of the Helpless

This Is Why Women Are Great Defenders of the Helpless

I grew up around resilient women who modeled for me the small ways that one could stand against the face of oppression and seek to right injustices. My mom was one of these women, and I wanted to be just like her when I was young. During a time when our country was drowning in gender wars, racial prejudice, and Vietnam, my mom made the bold choice to move into the inner city to live with marginalized groups of society. Mom knew that with each child she taught in the classroom, each story they exchanged with her, and each resource given toward advancing the welfare of others, she was standing in solidarity with those who lived in hardship and outright oppression. Now,

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This Grit and Grace Life Podcast

Skillet’s Jen Ledger Shares Her Faith, Her Fear and Her Strength – 044

Subscribe: Apple Podcasts | Spotify | Amazon Music | Android | TuneIn | RSS | MoreWhat happens when an incredible opportunity comes your way? Fear? Anxiety? Belief that you aren’t qualified? Well, you’re not alone; that is precisely where today’s guest found herself. Drummer, Jen Ledger, joined the multi-platinum, world-touring rock band, Skillet, at 18 years of age, all the while struggling with feelings that she didn’t have what it takes. Now a decade later, she’s facing her fears again with the release of her first solo EP “Ledger.” In this episode, Jen shares how her fear can derail her, bringing anxiety and panic along with it. Yet, it is in her faith that she finds strength. Whether you’re facing change, challenge,

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Every Woman Is Unique, but This Is What We All Struggle With

I have spent the last four years of my career mentoring women through online health groups and business coaching. I spend every day talking to women who have fears, doubts, insecurities, but more importantly who have dreams and aspirations of growing both for themselves and their families. I love it. One of the biggest discoveries I have made through my experience is how women as a whole are all very unique but also very similar. I find comfort and sometimes heartache in that. Here are five basic truths I have learned on my journey while working one on one with so many wonderfully different women. We Are Resilient I love a good comeback story. What I have found time and time again,

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This Is Why Family Dinners Don’t Have to Be Perfect

This Is Why Family Dinners Don’t Have to Be Perfect

You may or may not know this about me, but when I’m not here writing for Grit and Grace Life, I actually run a fun little faith-based food blog, which I know is a strange combo, but it works somehow for me. I’ve been doing this for years now, and I feel blessed that I get to combine my passions for cooking, writing, and sharing Jesus with people all over the world. When I got the wild hair to start this thing, I never imagined that it would grow the way it has, that my words would touch people and help people and maybe (hopefully) even make people laugh at my expense—because truthfully, I’m really quite ridiculous. Since starting my blog I’ve

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10 Behaviors Found in the Inspired Woman

You cannot mistake an inspired woman. Right away there is something enchanting about her. But what exactly is it? Why is it so hard to put your finger on what makes her so? Here’s the thing: many of us are raised to believe that women are ethereal, dainty, delicate, gone at the poof of a strong wind. All of these images fall in line with the historically inspired woman. We immediately conjure images of a woman with long, flowy hair, beautiful bosoms, eyes closed in meditation while breastfeeding an almost-asleep, happy babe. As I’ve grown, however, my image of an inspired woman has become far more complex, developed, real, and tangible. When I run into an inspired woman, I want to high-five her!

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